[13:52:39] Editor: So we are ready !
[13:52:55] Editor: Go ahead people !
[13:52:51] Angelic Anna: Hello!!
[13:53:12] jörg: Hello there!
[13:53:26] Kotipelto: Hello everybody! What's
up guys?
[13:53:14] Poznanik: hello strato!
[13:53:14] Black_Raven: Hi!
[13:53:19] stratowiruz: excellent!!!
[13:53:23] bono: Hello!
[13:53:30] muirgheal: hi there jorg
[13:54:18] johansson: blööööööärk
[13:54:18] johansson: blööööööärk
[13:54:30] Kotipelto: Hi Bono! How is U2 doing ? ;)
[13:54:34] jörg: hello guzs, i just hve to get familar with this finish kezboard, hello Muriel, the z is a t the wrong position
[13:53:49] Angelic Anna: Hi!!!
[13:53:52] Talios: hey hey
[13:53:52] ML: Waiting for that gig in
[13:53:54] muirgheal: We were all waiting for
you !
[13:53:56] Longhair: How do you guys like
[13:55:20] Kotipelto: He's a nice guy....too
tall in my opinion :)
[13:55:24] johansson: hello. finally this
thing is working. fucking broken java on
[13:55:38] jörg: Did you get my mail still
Muriel, i didn't know when the chat started
until timo told me this morning
[13:54:13] stratowiruz: everyhting fine at
least with myself, how is Strato guys doing?
[13:54:24] MetalGod: Oh man, Great of you to
pull a gig in Ruisrock! Turku is waiting for
you guys!
[13:54:33] eepek: Is tolkki here?
[13:54:36] Talios: Hello from NEW ZEALAND!!!
Come visit us down here please :)
[13:56:10] johansson: tolkki is here.... in
spirit. i am channeling him
[13:56:12] jörg: I'm doing fine, can't wit
til we hit the stage again
[13:54:39] Hammeriwa: any style changes to
the next album?
[13:54:42] jazmani: Hi Stratovarius from
[13:54:42] tolkien: hi guys, here Greece....
[13:54:48] muirgheal: JM : LOL
[13:55:30] Talios: johansson - hi from the
guys in TEOF as well...
[13:56:54] johansson: style changes: too
early to tell! no songs yet..
[13:55:30] Mats: Kotipelto: why didn't you
include the Against The Wind promo video on
Infinite Visions?
[13:57:10] johansson: hello greece, hello
[13:57:22] johansson: and hello new zealand!
[13:57:31] Editor: People, there's so many of
you we can not let every "hello" through
[13:57:46] Jorg: jörg, what do you think
about paiste -cymbals? What cymbals are you
[13:57:47] Editor: Ask questions, give
comments... ets
[13:57:52] jörg: I hope there is no style
chnage with the new album, didn't your like
the last one?
[13:55:38] muirgheal: to Jens : do you now
remeber how to play BABYLON ???
[13:55:40] Longhair: Kotipelto: Are you going
to have some collaborations with Arjen in the
near future?
[13:55:52] shurik: greetings from Israe!!!!
[13:55:56] jazmani: Hi johansson did you like
[13:58:09] Kotipelto: Mats: Good
question...well... to be honest we forgot!!!!
[13:55:58] Angelic Anna: Hi Kotipelto, Where
I find "What can I say" - song's lyrics?
[13:56:02] SirJuzzi: Timo... About your solo
album: Will it be some like Ayreon? =)
[13:58:33] jörg: I play Meinl Cymbals, I
guess Paiste are good as well
[13:58:34] Kotipelto: Longhair: Yes I will.
He will play some guitar on my solo album.
[13:58:37] johansson: babylon: did I at some
point not remember it? :) I don't remember
[13:56:04] Lexa: Hey, Jens! Fellow
key-boarder! What up?
[13:56:04] Khantatat: johansson, are you
planning to release solo album in the near
[13:56:10] stratovarius fan: this not work
[13:56:34] Mal: Do you often visit on the
[13:59:20] Kotipelto: Angelic Anna: Check out
our homepage...they should be there ?
[13:56:54] forever: when are you coming to
[13:59:24] johansson: fellow keyboardist: not
so much! we're going rehearsing later
[13:56:59] Phoenix: Hi Strato!
[13:59:39] jörg: Hi Phoenix
[13:59:42] Jorg: jörg, what about the pedals?
[13:57:16] eepek: What do you think can you
be in break so long time, without any gigs?
[13:59:59] jörg: Sorry ,which pedals?
[13:57:19] stratovarius fan: work! stupid
[13:57:21] Metalian: So Timo, have you
started recording your solo album?
[13:57:26] stratowiruz: new songs rulez fine
on Intermission... jens - nice solo on
Freedom demo version ;)
[13:57:42] Lexa: Hey Jens! Any chances of
gettin' lessons from you?
[14:00:34] johansson: johansson solo records:
perhaps we make a few different ones! have
about 40 minutes rock material, 30 minutes
strange rock material and 20 minutes very
strange material... need to sort it in piles
[14:00:38] Jorg: "twin"?
[13:57:54] Black_Raven: Question to Tolkki:
Are you making a new custom guitar? If, what
kind of will it be like?
[13:58:06] Nightguest: Kotipelto... When you
started to sing
[14:00:56] jörg: I think I can't wait, that's
for sure, but it isn't that long and we try
to make a killer album again, than it's worth
taking a
bit time to do that...
[14:00:56] Kotipelto: forver: it probably
takes us forver to come there :) Well...we
don't have any plans after doing these summer
[14:01:09] Kotipelto: To EVERYBODY: TIMO
[13:58:08] Poznanik: timo K, did you like
last gig in Budapest! Whole south Europe was
there !!
[13:58:09] stratowiruz: are you going to play
new songs alive on summer?
[14:01:21] jörg: I DON'T USE TWIN PEDALS,
[14:01:24] johansson: it's good to be on
[14:02:01] johansson: i don't remember
freedom demo solo! generally don't believe in
the concept of lessons, especially from me.
[14:02:03] jörg: If you are on break you can
drink more Jens
[13:58:17] Stormbom: any chance
Stratovarius'll ever play a gig at Åland? ;)
[14:02:12] Kotipelto: Angelic Anna: I checked
our homepage...the lyrics were not there!
Sorry. I will pass them to the webmaster as
as I find the time....
[14:02:21] johansson: I can also "break" more
[13:58:32] line6: Jens, how many notes can
you play in a second?
[14:02:36] Kotipelto: Poznanik: That was
great! The people were loud and crazy!!!!
[14:02:46] johansson: TK, what are you
talking about, I'm channeling TT!
[13:58:42] pollu: Hi there Kotipelto, I was
wondering how did you get Michael Romeo from
Symphony X to play on your solo album?
[14:03:08] johansson: This is
Tolkki, and I'M HERE!!!!!
[14:03:17] Editor: :)
[13:58:52] Phoenix: What festivals do you
play in Finland? (I'm sorry, I can't write
english very well..)
[13:58:56] Triin: Hi guys! Greetings from
[13:58:56] shurik: Do you know why there is
impossible to by Intermission in Israel?
[14:03:35] Kotipelto: Stormbom: No plans
[13:58:57] Talios: johansson / kotipelto - is
there any chance of a tour downunder? to
Australian, or New Zealand?
[14:03:46] Kotipelto: pollu: I phoned him....
[14:04:01] johansson: would love to go to
australia/NZ myself, personally.. never been.
[14:04:06] Kotipelto: Triin: Greetings from
[13:59:27] archtur: G'day SirS !! I noticed
there was a minor mistake in the booklet of
the Infinte vision video as there is said you
played in Giants of
Rock in 88, but it was 89 with Anthrax
[14:04:18] jörg: it's well enough, Kouvola,
Ruisrock, TAmmerfest and Tuska festival we
plaz in Finland
[13:59:36] Mats: So, are there any plans to
play any older material at Tuska? Something
from Dreamspace could be very nice!
[13:59:37] Metalian: J'rg, you have played in
Grave Digger. Do you like their recent
[13:59:37] Morgane: Timo K : What new with
your solo album ?
[13:59:45] eepek: Johansson: I've heard that
you know New York like your own pockets, is
this true?
[14:05:21] Kotipelto: archtur: well we were
not there....
[14:05:27] Jorg: jörg, i meant which
bassdrums u r using?
[14:05:29] jörg: Metallin: I don't know the
last one, sorry! does it sound anz different
from the other ones?
[14:05:34] Kotipelto: Mats: I agree....:)
[14:00:08] tolkien: jens :the video of your
handicam from greece will be shown in a
strato videoclip?
[14:05:44] johansson: I know new york better
than my own pockets! but not better than
kotipelto's pocket (i am picking it while he
[14:00:24] maria: Being a huge Jens-fan, I'd
like to know what kind of set-up he uses when
doing a gig?
[14:00:27] jazmani: You are great!! Jorg you
favourite soccer team?
[14:06:15] jörg: Jorg: Premier 22" X 18"
Maple Bass Drums, sometimes birch as well
[14:06:24] Kotipelto: Morgane: ...recordings
will start July 23rd....
[14:06:40] johansson: friday i'll again use
dx7 and
[14:06:40] johansson: friday i'll again use
dx7 an
[14:06:43] jörg: Jazmani: Borussia Dortmund
[14:06:53] johansson: ...sorry. dx7 and
roland 1080. :)
[14:00:32] SirJuzzi: Kotipelto: You have some
prog metal players on your solo album, so
will it be prog metal? Please say it will =)
[14:00:35] Rainman: I never got that Strato
guitar pick when I joined your club!
[14:00:54] senszar: do you know will timo t
write a book? :)
[14:08:00] Kotipelto: SirJuzzi: No, it won,A4(Bt
be prog!
[14:01:02] kot kot: Hi! When are you coming
to Lahti? You have cancelled last two gigs...
[14:08:10] jörg: senszar: i don't know about
Tolkki, probably he does but Jens will write
[14:08:23] Kotipelto: kot ko: We have played
once there...
[14:08:26] johansson: I will write a book
about Tolkki!
[14:08:39] johansson: Dunno abt Lahti..
[14:01:08] Khantatat: johansson, so you can
release a double cd then :-)
[14:01:15] Angelic Anna: What is yours
favorite song from Intermission?
[14:01:32] Anonymous: Jens: what keyboards
are you using?
[14:01:45] archtur: Jorg : were you involved
in the present Destruction/Dimmu B tour as a
tour manager !?
[14:01:50] Zameryn: Hello from Scotland
[14:01:59] stratowiruz: too bad Tolkki not
there, but anyway... Kotipelto please send
hello for him from Mexican Melissa :)
[14:09:42] jörg: Angelic: it's the 45 minute
drum solo but it didn't make it n the album
seriously I like the Will my sould ever rest
in peace
[14:10:08] Kotipelto: Stratowiruz: Sure!
Greetings from Helsinki to you as well!
[14:10:07] kot kot: ->editor: how can this be
so slow? There's "only" 78 users...
[14:10:24] jörg: archtur: I did a couple of
shows with them...
[14:10:43] Editor: This is not "slow" , I'm
just not letting everything through :)
[14:10:19] sirVäinö: Nightwish?
[14:10:23] Kadavre: hi Kotipelto!
[14:11:15] johansson: I think I like "Cold
WInter Nights" best!
[14:11:23] jörg: zameron: scottland where?
[14:11:37] johansson: Nightwish!
[14:11:42] Editor: So please questions and
comments, those will make it through !
[14:11:53] Editor: The space is limited you
know :)
[14:10:34] virtanen: Jens: what are the
Johansson recordings like (the last
viking...etc) are they metal??
[14:12:03] jörg: zameryn: sorry, I get mixed
up with the finnish keyboard again...
[14:10:34] nice: i orded your last cd, and it
didn't work!
[14:10:35] Maniac: hello to everybody
[14:10:36] jazmani: Kotipelto will you all
came back in the future to Mexico cites?
[14:10:36] ugli: Hey dudes, great job on
[14:12:39] johansson: i'd say "last viking"
is metal, yes, at least some sort of metal! i
think there are a few mp3 samples up on the
[14:10:41] muirgheal: timo & timo : cliff
can't reach the chat. he says HELLO
[14:10:57] MetalGod: where are you guys at
the moment?
[14:13:21] johansson: we are in helsinki.
rehearsing for midsummer gigs.
[14:11:05] Törmä: Timo: Do u have any
unplugged songs in CD ? and if u have where
can I get it?
[14:11:13] Black_Raven: Kotipelto: Do you
like Children of Bodom?
[14:13:39] Kotipelto: jazmani: I do hope so!
It was great, hopefully we have more time to
meet the fans and to relax! Last time the
schedule was too tight!
[14:13:39] jörg: Metalgod: don't know it's a
weird planet, the town called
[14:11:14] SirJuzzi: Yeah, Strato guys, have
you seen Nightwish DVD?
[14:14:00] Kotipelto: muirgheal: Hi to Cliff!
[14:14:06] Jorg: tell us what songs r u guys
going to play at Kouvola next friday?
[14:14:15] jörg: Sirjuzzi: I have seen parts
[14:14:19] Kotipelto: Black_raven: They are
very good players and nice guys!
[14:14:20] johansson: NW DVD is nice, but
they DIDN'T BLOW UP ANY TOILETS! What's wrong
with those guys!?!??
[14:11:26] Katja: I just wanted to ask that
how are you all today? I wish for a great
summer to come!
[14:11:31] stratovarius fan: Kotipelto: when
you come Oulu
[14:11:37] Triin: What do you think there is
about Finland that there are so many great
metal bands there? Is it the cold and the
vodka? :-)
[14:15:02] Kotipelto: Törmä: Hi Tero! On my
solo album or on Strato albums ?
[14:15:11] jörg: jorg: we still don't know
ourself, still argueing about it... what is
it xou want to hear??????
[14:15:18] johansson: we are all doing fine!
I wish for a little nicer weather for
[14:15:21] Kotipelto: Stratovarius fan: Maybe
on the next tour 2003 or something...
[14:11:37] archtur: Jorg : How do you feel
when your ex band mater Schmier from your
HeadHunter dates teamed up and reformed
Desturction after
all ?!
[14:11:38] Nightguest: Jens... How long have
you played keyboars? You are great player...
Do you know Tuomas Holopainen from Nightwish?
He is
great too...
[14:15:34] johansson: I want to play PARANOID
just to make Jari happy. :)
[14:11:46] Yngwie: lita ford or joan jett ?
[14:15:41] Kotipelto: Triin: Excatly!
[14:11:49] Lexa: Any Dream Theater fans in
the band?
[14:12:07] Hycke: When does your next album
come to stores?
[14:16:10] johansson: I played a long time,
perhaps 20 years or more. I like NW a lot,
it's very good stuf!!!!!
[14:16:22] Kotipelto: Lexa: I guess we all
like the band a bit. I personally love images
and words but not the latest one so much...
[14:16:26] Jorg: jörg, play some cover like
Hammer Smashed Face.
[14:16:36] johansson: exchanged one or two
emails w tuomas, he is good I think
[14:12:08] Djinn: I have a wachy idea....why
don,A4(Bt you go a tour with Rhapsody....there
would some kick ass gigs!!!
[14:16:50] jörg: archtur: I told him alreadz
years ago he should do that, I mean that is
the band everzbodz knows him from and Schmier
more destruction htan everzbodz else in the
[14:12:11] senszar: could tolkki sing a bit
on the next album?
[14:12:14] Lidia: hello from Romania .....
[14:17:01] Kotipelto: Djinn: We did...
[14:12:32] venom: How independent are you
with your music? Whay is the role of record
companies, can you choose all songs in your
[14:17:10] johansson: Yngwie, Lita Ford, or
Joan Jett? Answer: Not Yngwie at least! :)
[14:12:47] Khantatat: Kotipelto, when are you
opening the website for the solo project?
[14:12:52] muirgheal: jorg : do you write
your drum parts ?
[14:17:36] Kotipelto: senszar: he will! On
his solo....:) I don't mind him singing ALL
the songs on the next Strato albums! :)
[14:17:39] jörg: venom: of course, what the
point doing this job if zou are a puppet of
zour record companz?????
[14:17:47] johansson: Tolkki could sing a bit
on the next album! He could play a bit of
accordion as well.
[14:13:03] Stormbom: Johansson: any chance
you'll record with Göran Edman again?
[14:13:07] Angelic Anna: Bloodstone
guitarsolo is great!!
[14:18:19] johansson: We were on tour with
rapsody already.. perhas that was just an
evil joke. :)
[14:18:20] jörg: Muirgheal: more than writing
I play them but i do it myself
[14:13:12] Mal: Why you add sentence "voihan
vittu" end of the curtains are falling? It is
quite funny =)
[14:18:28] Kotipelto: Khantatat: Probably at
the end of summer....but it will more like a
small teaser page...
[14:13:33] Kyösti: What are you favourite
bands? Besides Strat. =)
[14:13:35] ylervi: have you guys ever played
in airguitar shows?
[14:18:42] Kotipelto: Lidia: Hi there! How's
the rabbit doing ? :)
[14:19:10] Kotipelto: Mal: singing isin't
always just joy....
[14:13:47] shurik: Have you heard any russian
metal bands?
[14:19:15] johansson: Re Göran, there is a
chance of course but I think he's trying to
cut down on the amount of work he does in the
[14:19:20] jörg: Kyösti; Rammstein, judas
Priest, Dead can Dance and about 1500 other
bands, as long it is good >I like it
[14:19:44] jörg: shurik: I know Victor
Smolsky from rage
[14:19:44] jörg: shurik: I know Victor
Smolsky from rage
[14:14:04] tytti: Kainulainen: Will you stay
in Ruisrock to see HIM?
[14:14:10] Talios: mmm Nightwish DVD - wish I
could get that and the Strato DVD here in NZ
[14:14:20] archtur: Jens : Have any hotels
started demanding the money for all the
annihilation what you caused on the tour and
[14:14:26] In_Shadow: Kotipelto: Have you
heard Dio and Blackmore creating Rainbow
again? What do you think about it?
[14:20:14] Kotipelto: tytti: Jari isin't
here....but we will! And he will. And we will
[14:20:41] jörg: Shurik: I have a tape of
Gorky Park playing on the liztomania festival
with Mötley Crue, bon JOvi
[14:20:48] johansson: good point.. the hotel
annihilation budget needs to be revised...
need to speak to Nuclear Blast about that.
[14:20:29] Lexa: Guys! Please play "Abyss of
your eyes" at Ruisrock. Any chance? It would
mean alot,,,
[14:20:39] shurik: Ask Jens to channel Jari
too ...
[14:20:46] Globe*: what means "stratovarius"
[14:20:55] jazmani: Kotipelto: Did have you
talked with Michael Kiske, what do you think
about him?
[14:21:01] shurik: Jorg: have you heard about
[14:15:00] Zameryn: Any more DVD's on the
[14:15:01] Black_Raven: Jens: Are you that
crazy everybody says? :)
[14:21:36] jörg: Lexa;:Unfortunately not so
much people like this songs as other ones
butr for me it is one of the best songs of
[14:15:03] simo_kotipelto: HI Mr
KOTIPELTO......i can't believe i can talk
with you (I AM A GIRL BUT MY NAME..)
[14:21:40] Kotipelto: In_shadow: No I
haven't. They tried to do it a couple of
years ago but then Cozy died and that was it.
It would be
great to see them together again!
[14:21:54] johansson: I
can't see HIM because I will be in hospital
having koskenkorva pumped from stomach
[14:22:00] Kotipelto: Globe: check out our
homepage FAQ....:)
[14:21:50] Grinder: Hey Stratovarius! I want
to know what songs you play in Tuska?
[14:22:19] jörg: shurik; sorry; I don't...
[14:22:24] Kotipelto: simo_kotipelto: whatta
nice name you have :)
[14:22:30] johansson: i'm much worse than
everybody says.
[14:23:05] johansson: HI Mr KOTIPELTO......i
can't believe i can talk with you (I always
wanted to be GIRL BUT MY NAME.. jens)
[14:23:19] jörg: Grinder: would be nice to
know, we are still argueing about it, what do
zu want to hear????
[14:22:00] Phoenix: What songs do you play in
Ruisrock? and how many?
[14:22:05] tytti: Kotipelto: OK, see you in
Ruisrock, especially hope to see Jari ; )
[14:23:46] Kotipelto: johansson: Hey Mr.
Johansson! I can't believe I have be in the
same band with you ! (I don't know what I
am...) :)
[14:23:50] johansson: let's do a sabbath
[14:23:50] Editor: The chat will last until
15.00 Finnish time, 30 more minuter
[14:23:59] Editor: Unless the guys want to go
on longer....
[14:22:25] strato fan: all: how long you have
played your instruments?
[14:22:51] stratovarius fan: Kotipelto: does
Stratovarius comes from Stradivarius
[14:23:04] Dickinson: Are you gonna pump your
next album full of songs....or how many? =)
[14:23:05] Fullbooze: do you have lots of
[14:25:09] Kotipelto: Stratovarius fan:
Stradivarius+fenderius= Stratovarius
[14:25:20] johansson: 10 songs... perhaps.
[14:23:46] jazmani: Did you guys like "The
Master Of The Rings" Books?
[14:25:29] jörg: strato fan: I,A4(Bm 23 years old
and I play about 25 years
[14:25:35] Kotipelto: fullbooze: YEAH! Here
at Saunalahti's office we have at least 3!!!
[14:23:47] open minded: how long gig will you
play at kouvola?
[14:23:58] Laeh: Kotipelto who is your
biggest idol?
[14:24:02] Kirsikka: Do you like HIM???? :0)
[14:24:04] Nightguest: Kotipelto. Have you
ever played in eastern finland? Here lots of
[14:25:59] johansson: 3 and a half if you
count me (wannabe transvestite)
[14:26:14] jörg: open minded: about 70
minutes I think...
[14:26:20] Jorg: open minded, I think you can
read that from partyplanet website
[14:26:23] Kotipelto: Laeh: Dio, Dickinson,
Coverdale, Tate....Jens...
[14:26:28] johansson: (didn't we play
huvikumpi? isn't that east somewhere?)
[14:24:33] venom: hey remember to show some
blood on the stage!!!!!
[14:26:53] jörg: Kirsikka: I like them a lot,
I brought the first album to Saksa when it
even hasn,A4(Bt been released there
[14:26:58] Kotipelto: Nightguest: never. We
were supposed to play in Ilosaarirock this
year but couldn,A4(Bt do it :(
[14:24:53] stratowiruz: kotipelto - can you
play guitar or some other instrument?
[14:24:53] Incarnation: Kotipelto: Will you
tour after your solo album?
[14:24:54] ingrid: Hi Strato, best greetings
from the Estonian fanbase!
[14:27:21] Kotipelto: Kirsikka: they are nice
guys. Gus will play some drums on my solo
[14:27:30] johansson: hello ingrid!
[14:25:12] archtur: Strato do you find it
important your videos are avaiable on the net
for people to download cos music channels
don't show any
for example "Huntin high" was availble on
metal rules with permission give
[14:27:41] jörg: Ingrid: Hello there, how is
[14:25:20] Rainman: never got the Strato
pick, payed 100mk, feel cheated, goin home to
[14:25:30] Maniac: Kotipelto: how many hours
are you practising with your voise and how do
you do this?
[14:25:46] In_Shadow: johansson: Have you
read F. Herbert's Dune?
[14:27:56] Kotipelto: Incarnation: At least
not before! :) Let,A4(Bs see...probably not
"real" touring (2 months on the road)...
[14:28:10] johansson: never did read dune,
i'm afraid!
[14:26:04] Jaska: Jens, was it nice to play
with Yngwie Malmsteen? Is there differences
between Malmsteen and Stratovarius?
[14:26:05] Pöö: Coming from Finland to check
your live playing in Bang Your Head... Do I
have any chance to meet you???
[14:29:04] johansson: malmsteen experience
was nice, especially in retrospect! we were
young and reckless. :)
[14:26:47] Stormbom: I'm asking this on
behalf of Fireblade: What's going on with the
fan club???
[14:26:47] simo_kotipelto: KOTIPELTO.......
come to italy or france doing some summer
festivals......not only in finland!!!!! we
need you here!!!!
[14:29:25] Kotipelto: Maniac: nowadays
basically none...I used to quite a lot. Well,
actually I did rehearse about 5 days
(30min-90mins) a
week ago for the summer festivals...
[14:27:23] Zameryn: Kotipelto,have you ever
taken singing lessons?
[14:27:26] Stormrider: Did you guys like
Tobias Sammet's Avantasia? Tolkki did some
voice things on it.
[14:27:44] tytti: Kotipelto: Does Jari have a
girlfriend? If so, is she coming along to
[14:30:13] johansson: differences between YM
and strato: about 10000% less frustration
nowadays. :)
[14:27:45] shurik: Kotipelto: nice interview
with Israeli Metal Hammer !!!
[14:30:35] jörg: archtur: I think it is good
that zou can download out od the mentioned
reason, that,A4(Bs wzh we put the video clips
also at
the end of the home video to let people know
about it, unfortunately there are
[14:30:35] Kotipelto: Pöö: We are going to
have a fan meeting/signing session in
Balingen!!! 3.30PM if I,A4(Bm right...
[14:27:51] Mal: I wish you could come here in
Kuusamo or Rovaniemi, Oulu is too far from me
[14:28:04] Triin: Guys, do you know any
Estonian rockbands?
[14:31:06] Kotipelto: Simo_K: On the next
tour, I promise!
[14:28:16] strato fan: all: What is your
favorite your own track?
[14:28:18] Kyösti: You guys are the best!
Thank you very much for this chat! This is
[14:28:22] dusios: What is your opinion of
Napster and illegal music distribution?
[14:31:29] Kotipelto: shurik: I got the
magazine on the post! It looks very nice but
I can,A4(Bt understand a word....:)
[14:31:39] johansson: Don't care much for
[14:28:42] In_Shadow: johansson: If found
your ideas close to Herbert's or his to yours
[14:28:45] Poznanik: jens, what do u think
about Andre ANderssen from Royal Hunt?
[14:31:58] johansson:
[14:28:58] maria: jens, what's your worst
merory of yngwie?
[14:32:04] jörg: Mal . we should play in Levy
and have some downhill skiing at the same
time and a few salmiakkikoskenkorva drinks o
top, everzthing is possible...
[14:32:08] Jorg: Kotipelto, when are you
going to play in Irak?
[14:32:32] johansson: worst memory of Yngwie?
that's a difficult question!!! :)
[14:29:52] Triin: I had a friend go see an
Yngwie gig last week, apparently he weighs 17
or 18 stone now but still plays as good as
[14:29:54] Djinn: When are you going to
conquer USA???
[14:33:23] Kotipelto: jorg: don't know....
[14:33:27] johansson: I think Yngwie has
tried to shape up his "public image" a bit
lately, so he's been nice to fans etc! That
is good i think!
[14:33:50] Editor: The chat system kicks you
out after 10 min, if you don't write
anything, just log on again
[14:30:02] Black_Raven: Kotipelto: Do you
remember your first gig, if you were
frightened or something?
[14:34:00] johansson: We'll try in USA at the
time we make a new CD, perhaps!
[14:30:08] stratowiruz: jörg - thanx giving
me drum stick at Nosturi warm-up bacm in
2000, i really appreciate it
[14:34:26] jörg: Djinn: we had quite a lot of
offers playing there but so far nothing was
right for us time wise mostely, have zou
about the prog pwoer festival in the states?
how big is it?
[14:30:18] Dreamspace87: What's going on with
Antti Ikonen nowadays? Jens, what did you
think of him?
[14:34:53] Kotipelto: Black_raven: With
Strato ? Or my "first show"?
[14:35:09] johansson: I like Antti's playing
a lot, I think the older Strato records sound
great. One of the reasons I joined the band..
[14:31:09] strato fan: What do you think
about guano ape's music?
[14:35:18] Kotipelto: Djinn: Yes we
will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
[14:35:18] jörg: stratowiruz: not a bigd
deal,but sorrz for the guys I promised them
and never send, happened quite a lot of
[14:31:11] Mal: Opinions about Sonata
[14:31:20] Jaska: Jens, why there is less
frustration nowadays?
[14:31:42] In_Shadow: johansson: What d'you
think about Russia? Any plans to go there?
[14:31:51] simo_kotipelto: KOTIPELTO: why
don't you come in the official
chat??????(however I saw you on infinite tour
in france...just great!!!!!!!)
[14:36:04] Kotipelto: Mal: Nice guys! Mikko
will do some keyboards on my....blah blah
[14:36:16] johansson: Jaska: I think if you
look up for instance the story of how Jörn
Lande left Yngwies band this spring..
[14:36:22] johansson: ...it will become
clearer to you.
[14:31:59] Dickinson: I've been
wondering...why haven't you ever played
''Years Go By'' live??!!
[14:36:36] Kotipelto: simo_kotipelto: I've
been there 3 times already....I will pop in
every now and then!
[14:36:39] johansson: ...it will become
clearer to you.
[14:36:39] jörg: Mal: zoung and unexperienced
when it comes down to drinking salmiakki,
quite good music though, but thez should
to drink soon otherwise they won't make it:-)
[14:32:13] shurik: Interesting why you can't
understand it :) Any chance to see you here
in Israel?
[14:32:40] hevinainen83: could you come to
[14:32:59] Talios: right.... who ever set
this chat to disconnect users who are idle is
a wally, I see jens mentioned napster, was
that in response to
my question>?
[14:37:36] Kotipelto: Dickinson: There's some
other nice songs (like: full moon) that we
haven't played live! It's hard to choose what
play when you've done 8 and a half studio
[14:37:37] johansson: I thought russia was OK
when i went there!
[14:33:04] larry: when you guys are coming to
Ikaalinen? do we have any change?
[14:33:09] line6: How old are you Jens?
[14:33:10] maria: jens, please try to recall
a really ugly one for me!
[14:38:08] jörg: shurik: Last time when we
played Greece, we thought to give it a chance
to come down there, it didn't work out, mazbe
next time...
[14:38:19] johansson: perhaps.. if the
question was about napster. :)
[14:33:37] jazmani: Kotipelto, did you like
the beer of Mexico?, you know ...
[14:38:27] Kotipelto: shurik: let's see,
maybe on the next tour. Hopefully you guys
can find the piece down there.
[14:33:58] Triin: That's right, Jens, my
friend said Yngqie was very polite and signed
everything anyone wanted signed.
[14:38:41] johansson: I'm 37, ..... I think!
I was born november 63. I stopped keeping
track when I turned 35!
[14:38:43] Kotipelto: jazmani: SOL is cool!
(When it's cool! :)
[14:34:21] Poznanik: Do u read FORUM on
Official Strato page? What do u think about
[14:34:24] hazel: All: In the future you
could concider putting one cover song on your
album:Queensryche:I don't believe in love.
Loved it when I
heard it in Tavastia at the Episode gig !
Though I've always loved that
[14:34:43] open minded: do you get along with
each other?
[14:39:12] Kotipelto: Poznananik: I do
sometimes. I think it,A4(Bs a nice place for the
fans to discuss.
[14:39:12] jörg: Line6: jens is 666 and he
turns younger every day...
[14:34:43] Incarnation: Jens: What's up with
your website? When are you planning on
updating it the next time?
[14:34:44] Allison: What pets do you men
[14:34:52] EvilG: Jens! What other
keybordists do you like or have influenced
your style (metal and non-metal!!!)???
[14:34:54] strato fan: what do you think
about godsmack, apocalyptica?
[14:35:05] Zameryn: What do you guy's think
of Kamelot's album "Karma"?
[14:35:13] Törmä: Timo: I mean Strato stuff
do u have that unplugged?
[14:35:14] line6: Jörg, do you like finnish
[14:39:50] johansson: we get along with each
[14:39:56] Kotipelto: hazel: Operation
Mindcrime is my fave album! But we don,A4(Bt play
that many covers with Strato. Maybe on the
Episode gig...
[14:40:05] johansson: dunno when i'll update
that thing..
[14:40:18] johansson: jörg likes to finish
[14:35:15] Warrior: Kotipelto, which
Stratovarius song is hardest to sing?
[14:40:39] johansson: pets? :)
[14:40:41] jörg: poznanik: I read the forum
even I haen't been part of it often yet,
it's verz interesting to see what other peoöe
about certain thingk concerning the band???
[14:35:20] Stormbom: Do you think Nuclear
Blast has done a better job thus far than
Noise did?
[14:40:55] Kotipelto: Törmä: don't have
[14:35:31] Maniac: to all the band members:is
there a possibility to come here in Greece
this summer for your last show?you know that
we LOVE you
[14:41:00] jörg: line6: Double T, go away...
[14:35:38] Black_Raven: Kotipelto: first show
ever and first with Strato.
[14:41:05] johansson: I think Tolkki has a
guinea pig!
[14:41:07] Kotipelto: Warrior: Stratosphere!
[14:35:46] FeVen: Kotipelto: Are you coming
on vacation to your home? I mean in
Lappajärvi? Or are you to busy to have any
[14:35:59] Infinite-Dreams: hello strato guys
[14:36:02] shurik: What do you think about
[14:41:41] johansson: I have lots of
confidence in Blast, I must say...
[14:41:52] johansson: I really like
Annihilator, myself.
[14:41:54] Kotipelto: Black-Raven: That was
at Tavastia. I wasn't so nervous. The normal
thing. If I,A4(Bm not nervous at all the gig will
on my part!
[14:36:47] In_Shadow: All_the_group: When you
guys appear on official chat?
[14:36:57] Heppa: Kotipelto: Can i find
Filthy asses songs anywhere ?
[14:37:18] michael: jens:but you play his
songs better..for example "distant skies"
[14:37:44] strato fan: all: How old is
stratovarius band?
[14:42:28] Kotipelto: Feven: Quite busy. I,A4(Bm
trying to find some time but it doesn't look
very promising.
[14:37:58] Pöö: Is there any chance, even a
little one, to have you to play in the best
rockclub in Finland... to Lutakko, Jyväskylä!
[14:38:10] tontsa: Hi Stratovarius, just
joined. What are your midsummer plans?
[14:38:12] Törmä: Timo: I mean Strato stuff
...do u have that unplugged ?
[14:38:14] jazmani: kotipelto: your favourite
soccer team?
[14:43:11] Kotipelto: Heppa: Yeah, at my
[14:38:19] Poznanik: any chance for real
WORLD TOUR for your next album? USA,ASIA...
[14:43:14] johansson: Not filthy asses
_songs_, but plenty of filthy asses backstage
at every strato show.
[14:43:17] Kotipelto: Törmä: no.
[14:43:40] Kotipelto: tontsa: Tykkimäki,
[14:38:33] In_Shadow: johansson: What doy you
think about Therion and Cristopher
[14:38:34] Andre: Are you planning any
collaboration as Stratovarius with other
artists ?
[14:43:55] jörg: strato fan: I think almost
18 years it count from the verz befinning
[14:44:01] johansson: Poznanik: perhaps!
difficult to say from where i'm typing
[14:38:47] Kadavre: Bye Stratovarius (got to
go to work)
[14:38:48] stratowiruz: jens - have you learn
any new Finnish these days?
[14:44:10] Kotipelto: Johansson: especially
after you bastard have blown the toilet :)
[14:39:02] Nightguest: Jens... Have you done
your jazz album ready or was it just a joke.?
[14:44:42] Kotipelto: andre: not at the
[14:44:51] jörg: tonsta: we play in kouvola
on friday before we party on saturday...
[14:44:55] johansson: no "jazz" album done
yet, only have a pile of material that needs
to be added to.
[14:39:10] Jaska: Where is Timo Tolkki?
[14:39:11] Incarnation: Jörg: What will you
be doing during the break?
[14:45:09] Kotipelto: Jaska: at home.
[14:39:37] Fullbooze: what do you think about
finnish Black metal scene ... do you know any
bands from it ?
[14:39:39] Maniac: until which age do you
believe that you are going to play?
[14:39:41] *Chris83*: Kotipelto:Is it true
that Stratovarius have teach Sonata Arctica
how to play??
[14:39:56] Hena: Do you feel that what you do
(as Stratovarius) is a hard job?
[14:39:59] stratowiruz: jens - songs you
wrote for Strato are so good, make it more
for next record...
[14:45:32] johansson: I will play at least
until I'm 23.
[14:40:19] line6: Jens and Jörg you are
humorous gyus!
[14:45:57] Kotipelto: chis: ask the guys! I
taught Tony how to drink on his last
birthday...and he vomited!
[14:46:03] johansson: OK, I'll make some more
songs then!
[14:40:22] virtanen: Johansson: Maybe, but
you and hotel managers.... Don't think so ;)
[14:46:25] johansson: I wouldn't say strato
is a "hard" job, but it can be challenging
sometimes! That is good.
[14:40:25] pinhead: mistä löytää Tolkin Esp
kitaroita suomesta??
[14:46:47] johansson: Tony *earned* his
vomiting elk shirt.
[14:40:48] hazel: Kotipelto: So when can we
expect to see Episode again ???
[14:41:01] Anonymous: hello from australia
[14:47:21] johansson: I'M
[14:41:07] shurik: What do you think about
[14:47:38] Kotipelto: hazel: don,A4(Bt know. no
time for that right now. Let's see after
recording the solo thing...
[14:47:38] jörg: Incarnation: many things,
beside plazing the drums and work on mz
skills I will spent a lot of time at mz
hobbies means
beer drinking and watching football on TV and
complain about how bas the plazer
[14:41:09] virtanen: Why don't Kainulainen or
Jorg come to the Forum??
[14:41:10] Rubens: Timo, did you change the
words for FREEDOM in the Intermission album?
[14:41:48] simo_kotipelto:
KOTIPELTO...........what is your favourite
strato's song....i mean, the one you love to
[14:41:50] ML: Were you angry when Noise
decided to release 'The Chosen Ones'?
[14:48:31] johansson: Jörg is here!
Kainulainen is home. I am channeling him.
[14:48:41] jörg: Incarnation: seriously: I
want to work and be prepared best I can to be
able to play the best Strato album ever...
[14:48:54] Kotipelto: Rubens: no. Those
lyrics which are on the special edition are
just demo lyrics....
[14:42:06] Nightguest: Jörg... What's your
nickname in the band?
[14:42:09] Djinn: Do you like Rhapsody?
[14:42:12] line6: jens, how many notes can
you play in a second?
[14:42:14] FeVen: Is someone of you
[14:49:07] jörg: Nightguest: Idiot
[14:42:30] jazmani: Johansson, what will you
all do after this chat?
[14:49:18] Kotipelto: simo_kotipelto: can't
pick just one!
[14:49:32] johansson: I wouldn't say "angry"
but it wasn't the best timing for us. Shit
happens. :)
[14:43:28] Incarnation: Kotipelto: How is
your hand now?
[14:49:56] Editor: Apologies for not being
able to let every message come through
[14:49:57] johansson: I can play five billion
notes per second.
[14:50:02] Editor: There is so many of
[14:43:49] shurik: What do you think about
unplugged album?
[14:50:32] jörg: virtanen: I visit the forum
but I am not part of it so far verz often,
but I read it quite often, interesting...
[14:50:34] Kotipelto: Incarnation: "hanging"
there...It,A4(Bs okay! Fully recovered except I,A4(Bm
missing some pigment...
[14:44:36] ExiledStargazer: Hi, Stratovarius!
Will there ever be a new live album?
[14:50:48] johansson: After this chat I
[14:44:43] Törmä: When is that Tuska festival
in Helsinki ?
[14:50:59] johansson: ....I will.........
[14:51:01] Kotipelto: shurik: unplugged ?
[14:44:57] In_Shadow: Stratovarius, what do
you think about the ways metall goes? What
we`ll have in 2004 and later?
[14:44:58] Warrior_: Kotipelto, Stratosphere
is pretty hard to sing =) But what about
songs which have words? Any song hard to
[14:45:01] Maniac: to all band members :with
all this work in the band do you have time
for any personal life?
[14:51:29] johansson: ...go rehearse. at
[14:45:08] Jorg: have to go. c u at Kouvola.
play that Paranoid there.
[14:51:43] Kotipelto: Törmä: July 13th we
play in Kaisaniemi and we will blow the
f***ng park up in the sky! :)
[14:51:55] Kotipelto: W
[14:45:51] simo_kotipelto:
KOTIPELTO......when will you come back to the
official strato chat??????? few days ago, i
entered when you just left..... i
was so sad!!!!!!!!
[14:52:11] jörg: in-shadow: I can't look in
the future so nobidy really know, nowadazs
the scene is quite open and verz intersting
in mzy
[14:52:14] Kotipelto: Warrior: Some
are...some are not....
[14:52:27] johansson: I think we should make
a live DVD next time. (TK, JM, what do you
guys think? stupid that I don't just..
[14:45:58] Angelic Anna: Do you guys have any
[14:46:02] virtanen: Jens: Why don't you post
in the Strato-Forum??
[14:52:39] johansson: ..talk to you instead
of typing this, isn't it.. :) )
[14:46:14] ExiledStargazer: All: What do you
[14:53:27] Kotipelto: angelic anna: we do! I
do some sports....reading
[14:53:22] open minded: if you weren't
playing in a band, what would you do?
[14:53:45] johansson: strato-forum is
web-based, I usually just use internet two
minutes per day to download/upload email
[14:53:37] Black_Raven: Kotipelto: How do you
make lyrics? Is it hard to find matching
words and where do you take the ideas?
[14:54:03] Kotipelto: open minded: I would
manage a band! :) I would probably work in
the radio or something...
[14:54:08] jörg: maniac: basically things get
mixed verz easisly, privat life and strato
life sometimes become the same, especially if
being in one bus with all the other ones for
3 month....
[14:54:15] johansson: we're planning to
develop our personal lives during this break!
[14:53:47] simo_kotipelto: KOTIPELTO in the
DVD did you put the images you recorded
during the tour???? i remember that you had a
camera at the
concert I went to...
[14:53:50] Rubens: Kotipelto: have you ever
play in USA?
[14:53:53] Zameryn: Would you like to work
with Kai Hansen??
[14:53:57] Allison: well what kind of books
do you read TK?
[14:53:57] Angelic Anna: Bye guys!!! I have
to go now... See you in the tammerfest gig.
[14:54:20] Syltty: Jens: your songs are
wonderful!!! =)
[14:54:24] Incarnation: All: When was the
last time you had a "day job"?
[14:54:54] Kotipelto: Black_Raven: it depens
on the subject. Sometimes it takes a lot of
time. I'm just about to start working on the
album and that's a hell of a job...
[14:54:33] muirgheal: kotipelto : about
lyrics -> do you write them first in finsih
[14:55:13] johansson: bye anna! thanks
syltty! :) I had my last day job in 1982 I
[14:54:50] open minded: where do you like to
[14:55:21] Kotipelto: simo K: Yes, there,A4(Bs a
lot of my stuff...
[14:54:54] Triin: All: What do you think
about Alice Cooper?
[14:54:56] ExiledStargazer: What music will
Strato be playing in 2020?
[14:55:23] shadow: when are you guys coming
to australia?
[14:55:45] jörg: Angelic Anna: OK see you
there and have lots of fun
[14:55:50] Kotipelto: muirgheal: no.
[14:55:52] johansson: not a great fan of
cooper but he has his points!
[14:55:30] Morgane: TK, Jorg, Jens: Have you
carry on an other profession before to be
musician ?
[14:55:53] In_Shadow: Kotipelto: What do you
feel when you sing "Forever"?
[14:49:37] senszar: how many fans do you
think you approximately have?
[14:56:08] Kotipelto: ExiledStargaze: humppa
[14:49:44] *Chris83*: Jens: Do you like Lapin
Kulta because i saw you when you drink it in
huvikumpu. And you face was shining after the
[14:56:31] jörg: Incarnation: I can't
remeber, right after school I did a few....
[14:50:02] Angelic Anna: Coming home is very
good song. We have sing it in school.
[14:56:38] johansson: day job in 1982;
programmer in a swedish hospital.
[14:56:40] Kotipelto: In-shadow: it,A4(Bs a cool
song and I love it when the people are
joining in!!!
[14:50:27] Judas: Hello Stratovarius!
[14:50:28] Rubens: Kotipelto: when u'll be
playing again here in Brazil?
[14:57:05] jörg: judas: hello, how is it
[14:50:39] EvilG: Please don't do an
unplugged album...that's too trendy don't you
[14:57:19] Kotipelto: Rubens: with Strato ?
2003. Solo - don,A4(Bt know.
[14:57:21] johansson: lapin kulta is the
fountain of youth. every time I drink one my
mental age decreases by one year...
[14:50:44] muirgheal: kotipelto : some said
you could have cancer because of your hand
[14:50:52] Mal: Can we never get Infinite
Visions part 2?
[14:51:00] Freedom Call: Which bands do you
think you have become friends with?
[14:51:00] Guitarmaster: How many hours do
you guys practise at day
[14:57:40] johansson: brazil: perhaps 2003? I
hope, i love brazil!
[14:57:43] jörg: Evil G: I hate acoustic
unplugged albums, the metal songs sound verz
wimpz and >I can,A4(Bt play the drums really loud
[14:51:31] Triin: Yeah, what do you think
about nu metal?
[14:51:42] Zameryn: When is the new studio
album coming ouy?
[14:58:14] Kotipelto: muirgheal: not from the
accident. But the fire burnt away some
pigment on my hand so to keep the hand in the
sun is
a risk...
[14:52:21] stratowiruz: ok guys see you at
Tuska and or Ruisrock ...great, waiting new
songs to hear if possible!
[14:52:32] Fireblade: can anyone hear me?
Kisses to Strato! :)
[14:58:39] johansson: new album is planned
early 2003. maybe earlier!
[14:53:03] Törmä: Ok Timo I'll be there to
watch out that blow at that park and keeping
your word...:)
[14:58:54] Kotipelto: Triin: I don't think
about it.
[14:58:54] jörg: muirgheal: he had cancer
before but don,A4(Bt tell him..
[14:53:14] senszar: how many fans do you
think you approximately have?
[14:59:30] johansson: looks like we have 71
fans at the moment. :)
[14:59:44] Kotipelto: Törmä: Great. See you!
[15:00:03] Kotipelto: senszar: I know of 7
and a half.
[15:00:04] Editor: Looks like 90 from here -
people go ahead and ask
[15:00:19] johansson: each one bought 5000
records. :)
[15:00:27] Kotipelto: Fireblade: Hail to
[15:00:30] jörg: zameryn: hopefullz end of
next year earliest or beginnign of 2003 we
[15:00:36] Editor: We can go on, folks, so
more messages please !
[15:00:21] senszar: you can add me to the fan
[15:00:26] muirgheal: Jörg: have you read the
topic in the forum where some wonder who
share your life ??
[15:00:27] firebladeeee: er... sorry, but
what's happening with the fan club?
[15:00:34] ingrid: have you ever considered
writing a metal football/hockey song?
[15:00:41] shadow: are you coming to
australia 'cause there are a lot of fans of
strat out here????
[15:01:24] Editor: 10 more minutes people
[15:00:55] tiger: how are you?
[15:00:56] firebladeeee: Hail to Strato! Next
time you don't escape the coutry til I buy
you a drink.:b
[15:00:58] shurik: Do you like X-Files?
[15:01:00] EvilG: Is Japan still the home of
your largest audience?
[15:01:01] Maggos: kotipelto: will you come
to Chile in the SA tour?
[15:01:02] Stormbom: was Infinite in fact
your most successful album saleswise?
[15:01:08] jazmani: stratovarius: the last
album you bought is?...
[15:02:09] johansson: why are there three
extra e's on the fireblade?
[15:01:39] virus: editor:thanks
[15:02:37] jörg: muirgheal: what do you mean
by that? i don't understand
[15:02:03] Poznanik: I'm not from Canada but
i think they deserve on great gig in Quebec.
You have huge fan base there as I saw
[15:02:04] Incarnation: Jens: How did you
join the band? Did you contact them or did
they contact you?
[15:02:08] Ana: do you think music has the
power to change people,A4(Bs idea about any
subject, fo example taking care of nature?
[15:02:10] In_Shadow: Guys, what are your
favourite songs, not from metall, may be
[15:02:54] Kotipelto: Maggos: I guess so!
Last time was great!!!!
[15:02:13] Black_Raven: Kotipelto: What about
Cradle of Filth? I think Dani has a unique
voice and not many can "sing" the same way
breaking throat..
[15:02:15] Andre: Before we cole, I'd like to
thank Stratovarius for this chat !! Was cool
[15:03:08] johansson: music can change
[15:03:21] jörg: EvilG: I think it is Brayil
Chile or Italy and Spain
[15:02:34] line6: greeting to Jari, but know
I have to go to eat something............and
drink!This chat was great I hope that there
will be more
Strato-Chat! Good luck to you guys!
[15:03:27] Kotipelto: Ana: hopefully we can
wake the people up to think themselves!
[15:02:45] Triin: What was the last metal gig
you went to see?
[15:03:37] johansson: tolkki contacted me..
sent a demo. it was good! so i joined.
[15:02:51] stratowiruz: thanx to editor about
chat, and for mesta.net
[15:03:03] firebladeeee: music has the power
to change your whole life.
[15:03:13] Chaos: I'll come to see you at
Ruisrock, so you'd better come out from the
backstage then and talk with your fans... Or
else... I will
scream !:)
[15:03:17] firebladeeee: without music i'd be
[15:03:28] tenebre: did i miss it.. i messed
up the time from america!
[15:04:22] jörg: chaos: we will...
[15:03:32] episode: jörg:WHYICH IS YOUR
[15:04:25] johansson: Was "line6" really Timo
Tolkki? Enquiring minds want to know!! :)
[15:04:26] Kotipelto: Chaos: Chaos!
[15:03:44] open minded: say hello for timo
and jari for me plaese...
[15:03:50] In_Shadow: johansson: Seems like
you believe in music mire than in God :)))
[15:03:54] senszar: hugs to strato
[15:04:50] johansson: tenebre: you did miss
it. :)
[15:04:04] EvilG: Stratovarius music changed
my outlook on life....
[15:05:12] johansson: In_Shadow: What's the
[15:05:16] jörg: Episode: difficult, I like
all the albums very much I am involved with,
mazbe Episode is speical as it was the first
without me I like Dreamspace best
[15:04:32] Incarnation: Kotipelto: How long
do you expect the recording of your album
will take?
[15:04:34] Rubens: Kotipelto: what about
Visions of Europe in DVD? Why don't u release
[15:04:38] Poznanik: once again: greetings to
all Strato from Serbia! FOREVER FREE!
[15:04:45] tiger: ilove you
[15:05:06] Maniac: bye guys it was great for
me !! see you (maybe soon)!!Jens continue
with your jokes !!you are all great!!
[15:05:49] Kotipelto: Incarnation: the album
will probably be out next March-May....
[15:05:20] simo_kotipelto: TIMO K. are you
going to organize another chat-day???if yes,
[15:05:22] Andre: I gotta go: Keep rokin'
guys !!!!!
[15:05:36] firebladeeee: I love Dreamspace.
It describes the forst 20 years of my life
[15:06:12] jörg: Poznanik: I hope you will
[15:05:41] Andre: See you in Milan
[15:06:15] Kotipelto: Rubens: No video
[15:05:41] Dreamspace87: Jörg, do you like
Tuomo Lassila?
[15:05:49] shadow: why are'nt you answering
about australia ?????
[15:05:53] stratowiruz: tack sÅ,A (Bmycje Jens,
danke schön Jörg, kiitos Kotipelto ...thanx
for Strato, and more chat please later
[15:06:50] johansson: hm, re australia, we
don't have any plans, but who knows!? I'd
love to go personally!!!
[15:06:52] jörg: Dreamsopace87: I don't know
that guys
[15:05:56] jazmani: Kotipelto, what do you
think about the voice of timo Tolkki?
[15:06:09] Talios: its now thursday morning
in new zealand - welcome to the future
Stratovarious :)
[15:07:06] Kotipelto: simo-k: don't
know...maybe later this year. At least I will
be on our homepage's chat someday...
[15:06:11] Törmä: See u guys got to do some
workouts.... want the first line at Tuska.:)
[15:06:43] Zameryn: Are you going to come to
[15:06:49] Swiss-Strato: Timo: What about a
concert in Pratteln (Switzerland) this year.
Would be great!
[15:07:41] Kotipelto: jazmani: it,A4(Bs okay when
he is "singing" :) He,A4(Bs actually quite good
[15:06:58] Rubens: jorg: i love to listen u
playing drums!!! keep going like that!!!
[15:07:54] jörg: Jazmani: TT voice is verz
good unfortunately only for one song:-)
[15:07:09] shadow: kiitos
[15:07:28] strato fan: Johansson: How many
records have you done?
[15:08:15] johansson: pratteln is not in the
stars for 2001! maybe 2002 or 2003?
[15:08:15] Kotipelto: swiss-Strato: we are on
the break. We don't do any tours in a few
[15:08:19] jörg: Rubens: thank you, I try...
[15:07:37] Rubens: To all: do u have any
brazilian girlfriend here in Brazil?
[15:07:43] Incarnation: Will there be any
shows next year?
[15:08:38] jörg: Rubens: I have 10...
[15:08:09] Maggos: jorg is far better than
[15:08:47] Kotipelto: Rubens: we have
Brazilian girlfriends in Sweden....
[15:08:32] simo_kotipelto:
KOTIPELTO............... it's really a dream
to talk with you.......thanks....i don't want
to wake up......
[15:08:40] Poznanik: good luck guys....and my
advice for next album: change is
good......but don't change in something bad
[15:08:40] Dan*: Kotipelto: is there a change
you sometimes release a KISS song, maybe
Reason to Live or something
[15:09:18] johansson: I think maybe 30-40
[15:09:34] Kotipelto: simo_k: wake up! we
didn't talk...we wrote :)
[15:09:35] jörg: talios: hello new zealand
how is the weather over there?
[15:09:38] johansson: (...does jari have any
brazilian boy- or girlfriends? TK, JM??)
[15:09:22] firebladeeee: yeah, it's pretty
cool to talk to you people!
[15:09:46] Kotipelto: Dan: no...
[15:09:38] johansson: (...does jari have any
brazilian boy- or girlfriends? TK, JM??)
[15:09:22] firebladeeee: yeah, it's pretty
cool to talk to you people!
[15:09:46] Kotipelto: Dan: no...
[15:09:38] johansson: (...does jari have any
brazilian boy- or girlfriends? TK, JM??)
[15:09:22] firebladeeee: yeah, it's pretty
cool to talk to you people!
[15:09:46] Kotipelto: Dan: no...
[15:09:27] Chaos: Is there something, that
you want to say with your music ? what are
you trying to tell people ? That we must save
our planet ?
Or that love is forever ? :)
[15:09:52] crimson: Are you going to make
more cover songs in the future?
[15:10:24] Kotipelto: crimson: no plans...
[15:10:25] Morgane: TK: Do you plan to make
gigs with you "solo" band ?
[15:10:31] Maggos: to all: where are you
right now?
[15:10:50] Incarnation: Have anyone of you
ever had onstage accidents besides Wacken?
[15:10:51] tolkien: kotipelto:do ya remember
me ....i'm Michael Tsandulis From Greece..We
dring together red wine....
[15:11:23] johansson: we're all in helsinki.
[15:11:26] Kotipelto: Morgane: maybe some
festivals...let,A4(Bs see...
[15:11:35] johansson: I had a pyro accident
in the US in ྗ. with Dio..
[15:11:39] Kotipelto: tolkien: red wine! :)
[15:11:27] simo_kotipelto:
KOTIPELTO......it's the 10th time I ask you:
"what do you do for your voice?????drink
something special??? ; ) )
[15:12:17] johansson: salmiakkikoskenkorva is
good for the voice.
[15:12:17] Kotipelto: simo_k: Red wine!
[15:12:19] jörg: chaos: you shoud listen to
the music and the lyrics, if we would like to
tell you without playing the music we would
write a
book but we don't do it
[15:12:02] muirgheal: who give more and less
interview in the band ??
[15:12:03] EvilG: Besides Jens...have any of
you ever been to North America? :)
[15:12:14] sirrah: Will play songs from your
new Intermission Album on the summerfestivals
[15:12:40] jörg: chaos: you are prettz close
[15:12:45] Morgane: TK: do you play other
instrument as good than your great voice ?
[15:13:00] Kotipelto: muirgheal: Jari gives
less...maybe Timo or me the most...Jrög and
Jens do a lot as well...
[15:12:53] In_Shadow: Guys, what are your
favourite songs, not from metall, may be
[15:13:03] johansson: I think poor Tolkki and
Kotipelto have done the most interviews!
[15:13:19] Dan*: kotipelto: will you tour
Holland again
[15:13:22] squeak: I hope you will all one
day have a tour in the US. Do you think it
will happen soon?
[15:13:40] Kotipelto: Morgane: I can't really
play anything...just few chords on the guitar
and keyboards...wait...I play a little bit
[15:13:42] jörg: muirgheal: normally both
Timos doing more than evrzbodz else, for the
Intermission album it was mainly Jens and me
[15:13:34] ExiledStargazer: Why was Infinite
so short? 52 minutes is not enough!! Next
time do a LONG album!!!
[15:13:55] johansson: squeak: it's a touch
market. Maybe! We'll see with the release of
the next record..
[15:14:06] johansson: ...sorry, TOUGH market.
[15:13:54] Dan*: kotipleto: and is there a
change i can have an interview for my
[15:14:27] Kotipelto: Dan: possible: contact
[15:14:49] shurik: Jorg: Did you liked to
play with Running Wild?
[15:14:50] EvilG: why don't the two Timo's
sing a song together....trade off lead vocal
[15:14:59] jörg: sirrah: yeah, we will
[15:15:28] jörg: shurik: yes i did, but i,A4(Bm
happy to play with stratovarius now
[15:15:29] Kotipelto: Evilg: I tried
that....he refused! :)
[15:15:33] Editor: Two more questions, please
[15:15:46] johansson: When is lunch?
[15:15:52] johansson: And what will it cost?
[15:15:56] Kotipelto: Do we really have to
rehearse ?
[15:15:57] Editor: :)
[15:15:32] open minded: where do you like to
perform? (country. city, stage...anything!)
[15:15:34] Incarnation: Kotipelto: What's the
weirdest place you've signed your autograph?
[15:16:15] johansson: We don't have to
rehearse! Yesterday went OK I think!
[15:16:15] jörg: open minded: Brazil
[15:16:29] Kotipelto: johansson: I agree!
Let's go drinking!
[15:16:46] johansson: Let's DRINK instead!
Let's go to corner bar and Tavastia later.
Jukka said it was a good band there tonight!
[15:17:00] johansson: Or Bakers pub perhaps.
[15:16:54] simo_kotipelto: SO
KOTIPELTO........ thanks a lot 4 chatting
with me!!!!! guys go ahead .....we love you
(i love you timo k.)
[15:17:04] firebladeeee: take care you guys,
[15:17:17] Editor: Thank you everybody !
[15:17:24] Kotipelto: incarnation: I've signed some head, noses, legs...but the most
I like...tits! :))))
[15:17:26] johansson: (FWIW I signed a dog
once. That was a bit weird)
[15:17:43] johansson: Thanks and see you all
[15:17:55] jörg: I'm off, thank you for
joining, see you all around, bye,bye
[15:18:09] johansson: I'm signing off now as
[15:18:22] Kotipelto: Me too! Thank you so
much for joining in and thanks to Saunalahti
for organizing this thing!
[15:18:44] Editor: Thank you to Stratovarius
and once again to allthe people who attended
[15:18:45] Kotipelto: Check out our homepage
later for the lates news, chat...etc. Kiitos!